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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Support for JSR-198 (was SWT port for Swing!)

Christopher Deckers wrote:
... In my department (in Nokia Networks), there is no way I could suggest using SWT without a solution to make it portable for the few non supported systems. ...

It isn't just useful for platforms that don't have native SWT implementations. The percentage of companies which are able or even willing to make deploying native code part of their Java platform product strategy is a small minority. That will take quite a bit of time to change (in fact it can't become mainstream until there's a completed JSR to make it part of the Java standard).

I'm pleased that you're working on this, and I'll be happy to try it out when you're ready for some testers (I'm primarily Mac OS X and did Motif and GTK+ ports of SWT/Eclipse to Mac OS X but didn't care enough for the results to use 'em).


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