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RE: [platform-swt-dev] possible XML SWT markup language?

On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 16:02, Jonathan Simon wrote:
> Dave,
> No problem. Obviously Jython is a scripting language whereas XML is a markup
> language, so why did I mention Jython? It really has to do with application.
> Some of the time that you would want to use XML to create UIs with SWT, Jython,
> a full powered scripting language might be a better choice. Im not suggesting
> that XML stuff shouldnt go on, but sometimes a scripting language might be
> better. 

I have published something that might suit XML lovers et Jython lovers.
If you checkout the cvs from you will get a XUL like
toolkit, with jython used instead of javascript.

You can see a screenshot of what this "forms framework" here :

All the interface is defined using XML. All the event handlers are
written in jython. jython calls my application logic, which is written
in java.

I will probably release the form toolkit separately when dbmjui will be

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