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RE: [platform-swt-dev] Re: FW: SWT History and Design Decisions ( WAS: [platform-swt-dev] AWT Toolkit using SWT (was: From Swing to SWT))

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Also, I have given some more thought to SWT, Conga and GUI building. Taking a note from java.sql.*, I believe the first design and requirement spec should result in an interface package, o.e.gui.*.

j.sql.* is a well-thought out java package because it allows for so many DB builders to implement around a common, robust, and sufficiently abstract design.  
This is exactly what Sweet is already and one of the goals it aims to achieve.
I propose as a first step that a working group design a common package which can be used by the Builder at Design time and by an App at Runtime. Then, implementations around SWT and various incarnations of SWT could be achieved behind the interface package as is done by DB vendors in implementing JDBC.
To give credit where it's due, Scott suggested exactly this idea last Thursday.  Since then, he Joe, and I have effectively already formed the working group you propose and have been working together on this mailing list and on the Wiki.  Over the past few days, Joe and Scott have actually contributed more help than anyone else and I welcome everyone's participation.  (And thanks to Joe and Scott for their excellent help.)
See you on the Wiki!

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