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[platform-swt-dev] SWT GUI Builder Support API (WAS: SWT History and Design Decisio ns)

Title: SWT GUI Builder Support API (WAS: SWT History and Design Decisions)

My first reaction to these messages this morning:  Wow!  What a wealth of valuable input!  How to respond to it all?

> Should we start a page at the Eclipse Wiki to capture
> BeanInfo, mark 2?

Excellent idea, Scott.  I've copied the gist of people's feedback here onto the Wiki at and responded there.  I agree that Wikis are better places than mailing lists to do collaborative design.

Even though we haven't normally attributed content to ourselves on the Eclipse Wiki, I didn't feel right about copying people's posts here to the Wiki without giving people attribution for their work.  If you don't want recognition for your posts, feel free to edit your name out of the Wake's discussion or send me a note and I'll do it.  Also, if you don't want your posts on the Wiki, feel free to send me a Cease and Desist note and I'll happily remove them.  :-)

Also, in order to respect each person's individual post, I have not altered the structure or combined messages from the way they were originally presented, but left them as a "Reader's Digest" record of the discussion so far.  I'll leave it to the original authors to consolidate their posts if this is what they would like to do.

Lastly, although I personally like the name Sweet for the GUI builder API layer, I won't carry that forward unless people here agree.  :-)  What do you all think?  Do you like the name?  Do you think a separate name is necessary?

See you all on the Wiki!


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