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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Dialog builder?

Thanks, I'll check it out.  
Not exactly what I had in mind, but it might work just as well for me.  
I appreciate the reply.

At 20 January 2003, you wrote:

>On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 16:46, Chris Freyer wrote:
>> Hello all--
>> Are there any code generators for creating SWT dialogs?  I just want 
>> to get my development efforts off the ground in a reasonable timeframe,

>> and a code generator seems like the perfect way to automate the 
>> routine parts.  
>> I have considered writing my own code generator, but I might be re-
>> inventing the wheel.  If I do it, it will be XML-based and will 
>> in a similar manner to Castor's source generator (the difference 
>> being that the generated code will produce SWT dialogs instead of 
>> XML representations of javabeans).
>I wrote a library that can create a swt gui from its XML description.
>The ui is built at runtime. No source code generation.
>You can find it in dbmjui cvs (
>in the dirs forms-lib-common and forms-lib-swt. You will find forms
>examples in ressources/forms. To see how to start the forms display,
>look in fr.aliacom.dbmjui.tests.Start.
>It is not yet available in dbmjui releases, so you really need to
>checkout CVS.
>platform-swt-dev mailing list

Chris Freyer
Software Engineering & Development

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