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Re: SWT History and Design Decisions (WAS: [platform-swt-dev] AWT Toolkit using SWT (was: From Swing to SWT))

So where's your GUI builder? (Or Scott's, for that matter? ;-)
I'm not seriously challenging that you could make one. I just want to look at the GUI builder that results.
The issue isn't whether you can make a GUI builder for SWT. You can make a GUI builder for any library...provided that you don't have to "round trip" (convert source/object code into the representation used internally by the GUI builder).
I know from previous discussion that Scott thinks this is not a requirement. I also know that many commercial GUI builders do allow round-tripping. Enough so that many would consider this a competitive requirement.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:08 PM
Subject: RE: SWT History and Design Decisions (WAS: [platform-swt-dev] AWT Toolkit using SWT (was: From Swing to SWT))

It’s entirely possible… it’s just that some designers make API, or at least paradigm assumptions about the GUI library they design with, and sometimes those assumptions are incompatible with an alternate GUI library.  I’m not sure this is the case in the mentioned systems, but it’s the only real impediment.  Building a natively SWT-aware builder is not particularly hard compared with another GUI library.





-----Original Message-----
From: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jan Venema
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 10:49 PM
To: platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: SWT History and Design Decisions (WAS: [platform-swt-dev] AWT Toolkit using SWT (was: From Swing to SWT))


Can sombody please explain to me why it is not possible to build a GUI designer in SWT.
I've been following the discussions here, but I haven't realy heard an answer. On the properties pattern thing. Does setData(String key, Object value)  solve your problem? And since SWT is native widgets How does Visual Studio do it?

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