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Re: [platform-swt-dev] OS X version, now and future

Will org.eclipse.swt.carbon fragment use a custom build script?  There is a
very bare org.eclipse.swt.carbon project on


                      Andre Weinand                                                                                        
                      <weinand@xxxxxxx>        To:       platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                      
                                               cc:       Dean_Roberts@xxxxxxx, platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,            
                      07/15/2002 08:10          Sonia_Dimitrov@xxxxxxx                                                     
                      AM                       Subject:  Re: [platform-swt-dev] OS X version, now and future               

Hi Dean,
Sorry for the late reply, but I had to 'hack' your proposal first...

>I saw this email and ready your steps on how to build Mac OS X.
>I would like to start building this thing regularly with Nightly and
>Integration builds.


>Currently all the building is done on a Linux box but it looks to me
>like if you could provide us with some kind of archive instead of a
>Mac disk image we would just:
>         1) Unarchive what you give us.
>         2) Build all the plugins like we normally do including
>building the carbon swt plugins
>         3) Put the plugins in the right directory, looks like
>         4) Zip it all back up again and put it on the web page.

I've attached a simple shell script that does everything from the
above. It uses only standard command line tools so it should work on
linux, too. However, I haven't tried it on linux.

To use it, unpack the attachment "build.tar.gz", copy
"" into the new directory "build", and run
the shell script "build". It creates "".

Note: in order to keep this attachemnt small I didn't include the
MacOS X specific dll and swt.jar in the macosx_plugins folder so
Eclipse wouldn't run.

Note 2: The only problem with the resulting
"" is that the default UI tool to unzip it
on MacOS X (Stuffit Expander), truncates filesnames > 31 which
affects lots of plugins. So we must warn Mac users that they don't
unzip the archive with "Stuffit Expander", but use either the UI
application "ZipIt" or the command line tool "unzip".

Note 3: Everything copied into the Mac bundle folder (Eclipse is not visible in the MacOS X Finder. So the folder
hierarchy starting with Eclipse appears in the MacOS X Finder
as a double-clickable application file.

>Unfortunately we would not be able to run any Mac specific automated
>testing at this time.  However, that status for the Mac drop would
>reflect the results of platform independent testing.

Not a problem for now.

>So does this sound right?  Can it really be that easy?  If you could
>get me an archive of your stuff that was not a disk image we could
>start trying it out.

Yes, it should be as easy as that...

>I have cross posted this mail to the releng mailing list where this
>particular conversation may have more relevance.


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