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[platform-swt-dev] Eclipse 2.0 for MacOS X

I've released a new version of Eclipse 2.0 for MacOS X, this time as a simple add-on to the standard Eclipse 2.0 release from So you no longer have to build the dll and jar archive yourself.

It is still 'experimental' so be prepared to loose work... However, I'm using it for all my SWT development work on MacOS X, and it seems robust enough to get 'real work done'.

You can find the release as Eclipse_2.0.dmg.gz (810k) at the bottom of the SWT Developer resource page:

Here are the steps that are necessary to get Eclipse 2.0 up and running on MacOS X:

- Unpack the archive, mount the disk image and copy its contents into
  a folder 'Eclipse 2.0' on your hard disk

- Download any Eclipse 2.0 release (platform does not matter)
  from into your 'Eclipse 2.0' folder

- unpack the Eclipse zip file with StuffIt or better with ZipIt (ZipIt doesn't truncate
  long files names silently! You can find it at;
  open the top level folder 'eclipse'

- Open the context menu on the aplication 'Eclipse 2.0' and select
  'Show Package Contents': the application opens as a folder (the 'bundle').

- Drill down to 'Contents/Resources/Java' and copy the contents of
  the previously opened folder 'eclipse' into the folder 'Java'

- Delete the single plugin 'org.eclipse.swt.Xyz_2.0.0' where Xyz corresponds
to the platform that you've downloaded in step 2 (one of 'gtk', 'motif', 'photo', 'win32').

- Copy the two MacOS X plugins into 'Contents/Resources/Java/plugins'

- Close all folders and double click the 'Eclipse 2.0' application:
  Eclipse starts and creates a folder 'workspace' in your 'Eclipse 2.0' folder;
however, after some dock icon bouncing Eclipse silently terminates (and I don't why). Double click Eclipse again. After a minute or so it should open an empty workspace
  showing a Readme document.

- Start hacking...

You can find more information in the included Readme.

Let me know if it works...

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