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Re: [platform-swt-dev] SWT in borlands jbuilder

Q: Will or can SWT be enhanced to include support for JavaBeans?
A: To the extent that it makes sense, given the constraints of operating system compatibility, SWT already mirrors the beans behavior. An example of this is the use of standard beans mechanisms for event dispatch (EventListener, EventObject and adapter classes). Some aspects of the beans paradigm, such as the ability to create beans with null constructors, run counter to the constraints of the underlying operating systems that SWT runs on. For example, operating systems do not typically support creating a widget without specifying its parent. The essence of the problem is that if you allow a widget to be created with a null constructor, then you can't actually create the o/s resources at the time the constructor runs (you would have to wait until later, after the parent has been set). We just can not do this, since we always create the o/s resources in the constructor, and for performance/efficiency/consistency reasons do not even keep slots in the object to hold whatever state would be required so that the object could be created later.

Holger.Schadeck wrote:

is there any possibility to convert the into java beans
(with beaninfo?),
so that it is possible to load the SWT components onto a new tab panel
of the gui builder in borlands jbuilder?
Sorry, in eclipse I miss an easy to use gui builder.


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