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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Running ControlExample example programfailsunderHP-UX

In particular, if "memory corruption" or the like is the source of the problem, then it is occurring in one of the low-level PI calls which precede the XFillPolygon call. Those are where you should concentrate your investigation.


Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/04/2002 10:52 AM
Please respond to platform-swt-dev

        To:        platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-swt-dev] Running ControlExample example  programfailsunderHP-UX

My reading of the situation is as follows:

       - high level Java SWT code (Grant's example) does not draw

       - low level Java PI code (Steve's example) does not draw

       - C code translated from low level PI Java code draws

Is this true?  If so, this point to a problem in our JNI code for
We've all had a look at it and can't see any obvious problems.  The fact

that when you don't call this code you fail in another place (starting Eclipse)

points to memory corruption.

Can you confirm?


Sridhar Bidigalu <sridhar@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/01/02 04:47 PM
Please respond to platform-swt-dev

       To:        platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
       Subject:        Re: [platform-swt-dev] Running ControlExample example  programfailsunderHP-UX

One other thing, if I make the points array to be of
any other data type, it does not work.(It comes with
the shell, but no polygon). I never thought, it would be
so strict.


Sridhar Bidigalu wrote:

Oops! sorry for the delay. Please, refer to the
C code below. Actually, both the code sent by
you and the code listed below works.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>

main (int argc, char **argv)
  Widget shellHandle;
  Display *xDisplay;
  XtAppContext xtContext;
  XEvent xEvent;
  Window xWindow;
  GC xGC;
  XPoint *ppts;
  short xPoints[] = {10, 10, 100, 100, 100, 10};

  xtContext = XtCreateApplicationContext();
  xDisplay = XtOpenDisplay(xtContext, NULL, NULL, NULL,
      0, 0, &argc, 0);

    /* Initialize the Toolkit */
  shellHandle = XtAppCreateShell(NULL, NULL,
     xDisplay, NULL, 0);

    XtResizeWidget(shellHandle, 200, 200, 0);
  XtRealizeWidget (shellHandle);

    /* Check and dispatch events forever */
  while (True)
XtAppNextEvent(xtContext, &xEvent);

 switch (xEvent.type)
 case Expose:
     xWindow = XtWindow(shellHandle);

       if (xWindow != NULL)
  xGC = XCreateGC(xDisplay, xWindow, 0, NULL);
  XFillPolygon(xDisplay, xWindow, xGC, (XPoint *)xPoints, 3, 0, 0);
  XFreeGC(xDisplay, xGC);


Steve_Northover@xxxxxxx wrote:
So, you need to translate the Java code to C and see if this works.
Please post the C code when you are done.  Thanks.


Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/01/02 11:23 AM
Please respond to platform-swt-dev

      To:        platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
      Subject:        Re: [platform-swt-dev] Running ControlExample example program   failsunderHP-UX


Well, if this code fails, but the equivalent C version works, then the problem is some bad interaction with HP-UX in the implementations of those particular methods. This ought to be reasonably easy to find by inspecting their implementations. That's why it makes sense to run the low level version.

If however, the matching C code version fails, then you have a bug in the HP-UX Xt library which you have to either workaround or get fixed with HP's help.


Sridhar Bidigalu <sridhar@xxxxxxx>  
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx  

03/01/2002 10:46 AM  
Please respond to platform-swt-dev

     To:        platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx  
     Subject:        Re: [platform-swt-dev] Running ControlExample example program   failsunderHP-UX



I sent a email on this yesterday, probably it did not go thru., since
I sent it from my home email account.

Same behavior, no changes, shell pops up without polygon get drawn.


Steve_Northover@xxxxxxx wrote:

Does this code work on HPUX?

public static void
main (String [] args) {
    OS.XtToolkitInitialize ();
int [] argc = new int [] {0};
final int xtContext = OS.XtCreateApplicationContext ();
int xDisplay = OS.XtOpenDisplay (xtContext, null, null, null, 0, 0, argc, 0);
int widgetClass = OS.TopLevelShellWidgetClass ();
int shellHandle = OS.XtAppCreateShell (null, null, widgetClass, xDisplay, null, 0);
    OS.XtResizeWidget (shellHandle, 200, 200, 0);
    OS.XtRealizeWidget (shellHandle);
short [] xPoints = {10, 10, 100, 100, 100, 10};
    XAnyEvent xEvent =
new XAnyEvent ();
while (true) {
            OS.XtAppNextEvent (xtContext, xEvent);
            OS.XtDispatchEvent (xEvent);
//Bogus to do this really ...
(xEvent.type == OS.Expose) {
int xWindow = OS.XtWindow (shellHandle);
if (xWindow != 0) {
int xGC = OS.XCreateGC (xDisplay, xWindow, 0, null);
                            OS.XFillPolygon(xDisplay, xWindow, xGC, xPoints, xPoints.length / 2, OS.Complex, OS.CoordModeOrigin);
                            OS.XFreeGC (xDisplay, xGC);


Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx  

02/28/02 01:58 PM  
Please respond to platform-swt-dev

    To:        platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx  
    Subject:        Re: [platform-swt-dev] Running ControlExample example program  failsunderHP-UX


This means we need to proceed with an OS.* calls test.
Steve:  you have a pile of those in your image, could you share one?
P.S.: Drawing to Canvas vs. Shell should make no difference, as Shells are Canvases.


Sridhar Bidigalu <sridhar@xxxxxxx>  
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx  

02/28/2002 01:29 PM  
Please respond to platform-swt-dev

   To:        platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx  
   Subject:        Re: [platform-swt-dev] Running ControlExample example program  failsunderHP-UX



I modified the sample examples you sent with ...


and it draws the polyline.  Looks like fillPolygon fails to draw.
Same behavior on the canvas too. But, it does not hang as it use
to, running the "controlexample" or the "eclipse" itself using the
fillPolygon, shell popsup without fillPolygon.


Grant_Gayed@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Sridhar,
> Can you try the following shorter example and let us know if it hangs:
> import*;
> import*;
> import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
> public class TestFillPolygon {
>       public static void main (String[] args) {
>             final int[] points = new int[] {771,6,771,16,766,11};
>             final Display display = new Display ();
>             Shell shell = new Shell (display);
>             shell.setBounds (10, 10, 800, 90);
>             shell.addPaintListener(new PaintListener () {
>                   public void paintControl (PaintEvent e) {
>                         Color colour = new Color(display,new
> RGB(222,233,244));
>                         e.gc.setBackground(colour);
>                         colour.dispose();
>                         e.gc.fillPolygon(points);
>                   }
>             });
>    ();
>             while (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
>                   if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
>             }
>             display.dispose ();
>       }
> }
> Grant
> Mike,
> Thanks for the response. Yes, the arguments look reasonable enough and I
> have already gone
> thru. listing out the <xy> points, the drawable, display and the GC with
> their respective style
> and mode, which is the default(Complex & CoordModeOrigin). Also, tried with
> the different
> combinations of shape and mode arguments, no change. Created a simple
> example C program,
> which contains the same points as the one in the controlexample program,
> and the XFillPolygon
> works fine. I have attached the controlexample log file where it list out
> the debug info. of the
> JNI code before hanging in XFillPolygon. And also, note that, by replacing
> it with XDrawLines
> draws the lines on the arrow button of the Tab widget and runs the
> controlexample pgm just
> fine.
> I will go thru. more thoroughly on the HP documentation for any hints or
> specifics for the above
> problem to occur.
> Thanks
> -Sri
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