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[platform-swt-dev] RFC: Updating CoolBar API

The SWT team would like to propose some changes to the CoolBar and CoolItem
API, as summarized below.  Any developers that might be affected by these
changes should make their concerns known as soon as possible.  Please note
that two of the proposed changes are breaking changes, in that the
documented behaviour of the API will change.

Interested developers: please reply to this post with a vote of "+1" or "
-1". If you disagree with the proposed changes, please indicate why.


In the current CoolBar API, certain methods are documented to manipulate
the items with regard to the order that the items were added. The API in
question are: getItems, getItemOrder, getWrapIndices, setWrapIndices, and
setItemLayout.  In the current implementation (both win32 and emulated),
only getItemOrder functions to the spec. Since "in the order the items were
added" is inconsistent with rest of the SWT API, we propose that this
behaviour be changed. This will result in two changes which are BREAKING
CHANGES to the API contract, but will make the API more consistent and
bring it in line with the rest of the SWT API.

Proposed changes:

- update javadoc for getItems, getItemOrder, getWrapIndices,
setWrapIndices, removing "in the order those items were added".
*NOTE* The following two changes are BREAKING CHANGES:
- change the item ordering behaviour in setItemLayout to match the rest of
the API, ie. the indices refer to the current position of the items, NOT
the order they were added.
- change the behaviour of getItemOrder to return { 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1 } for
a CoolBar with n items.
- the changes to setItemLayout and getItemOrder would make getItemOrder a
non-useful API.  Therefore mark getItemOrder as deprecated.


The current API in CoolItem for setting what Windows refers to as "ideal
width" is setPreferredSize(int width, int height).  The height argument is
illogical since there is no such thing as a "preferred height".  The
current implementation will resize the control to the given height as if
setSize had been called.

Proposed changes:

- mark setPreferredSize(Point), setPreferredSize(int, int), and
getPreferredSize() as deprecated
- add new API: setPreferredWidth(int), getPreferredWidth().

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