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[platform-releng-dev] Bug 539661 - CSS fix


I just noticed that RC1 is not yet out. I saw commits yesterday and
incorrectly assumed that we were already in RC2 phase.

AFAIK no additional builds are planned for RC1 and IMHO is it also
fine to include this change in any rebuild.

If someone feels strong about it, feel free to revert and reapply
after we officially open RC2.

It is "only" a additional CSS rule:

Sorry for the confusion, I must rework my email rules, the Sign-off
mails are always rooted into the Equinox folder, which I do not check

Best regards, Lars

Eclipse Platform project co-lead
CEO vogella GmbH

Haindaalwisch 17a, 22395 Hamburg
Amtsgericht Hamburg: HRB 127058
Geschäftsführer: Lars Vogel, Jennifer Nerlich de Vogel
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