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[platform-releng-dev] Master Branch is Closed for 4.12

Hi All,

  • Master branch is closed for 4.12 development.
  • Further commits for 4.12 will have to be done on the R4_12_maintenance branch.
  • We are working on opening the master for 4.13 development soon.


Inactive hide details for Manoj Palat---06/07/2019 01:56:05 PM---Hi Folks, We are pleased to announce that 2019-06 RC2 is availManoj Palat---06/07/2019 01:56:05 PM---Hi Folks, We are pleased to announce that 2019-06 RC2 is available for download and updates. Eclipse

From: Manoj Palat/India/IBM
To: "Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "General development mailing list of the Eclipse project." <eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Eclipse platform general developers list." <platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 06/07/2019 01:56 PM
Subject: Eclipse 4.12 RC2 & Equinox 2019-06 RC2 are available

Hi Folks,

We are pleased to announce that 2019-06 RC2 is available for download and updates.

Eclipse downloads:

Update existing (non-production) installs:

Specific repository good for building against:

Equinox specific downloads:

Thank you to everyone who made this checkpoint possible.


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