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Re: [platform-releng-dev] [jdt-dev] Almost there! But caution!

Hi Stephan,

I have few answers below, also forwarding to platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx.

On 15.01.2019 13:57, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

One reason for sending this mail: encourage *every one* in the team to try to keep this status, by monitoring build results below
and by reacting to any failures. Just watching your own gerrit job doesn't seem to suffice when many bugs only occur on specific machines / os / environment.
(Did Sasi provide his build-observing App to anybody?)

Yes, Gerrits are not enough. I'm subscribed to platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx and receive daily build results. After some time one gets a feeling if new regressions appear :-)

Oh, what should actually be the compliance level of JDT/Core gerrit tests?
Currently it's 10, but perhaps it should already be 11? What pace of update should the job have these days? Can we make this a part of the update-to-next-Java-version routine?

From my POV this should be 11, the current LTS version of Java. 9 and 10 aren't relevant anymore (and for example were not shipped for RHEL packages at all). I think we need 8, 11 and "next one" (12 as of today).

Unfortunately the majority is still on 8 or earlier versions, and this is also the last "old good non modular Java" release, so we need 8 builds for a long time, because it is quite different to 9+ world.

But, the next wave of technical debt could soon be upon us: our BETA gerrit job at isn't really in a very good shape with constantly 59 failures! Those have been captured in bug & children.

We don't have official build results for those (or they are "hidden")?, so I personally missed the results completely so far. Would it be possible to publish the test results next to "official" builds? Don't even need to publish the binaries, if this would make Oracle lawyers happy.

Please also help to eliminate the other failures in BETA_JAVA_12. It is so much easier and nicer to fix individual failures when they occur rather than letting them pile up until we are overwhelmed by the mess. :)

Agree, so this speaks also for publishing the results. If we don't see them, we don't think about them :-(

Ideally our official build results should have *3* Linux builds (on 8, 11, "next (aka 12)" JVM) and Mac/Windows on 8 JVM.

Kind regards,
Andrey Loskutov
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