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[platform-releng-dev] I've created RC2 Sign-off bug 435470

= = = =

Thanks for the "head up" Jay.
Some of you may want to wait to sign-off until re-spin, if you think the JDT changes might effect you.

Jay, either now, or certainly if/when you request a respin, I'm expecting you will provide links to the bugs and some argument or justification as to why needed. (Its not that I doubt your word for it .... but ... we should keep everyone well informed of cost/benefit trade-offs .... which may not be as obvious to "us" as to you).


From:        Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran <jarthana@xxxxxxxxxx>
To:        platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,
Date:        05/22/2014 12:50 AM
Subject:        [platform-releng-dev] Heads up for an additional RC2 build request
Sent by:        platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


JDT Core team have couple of bugs that we would like to be addressed. In fact, the bugs already have patches but pending additional reviews but haven't yet made it to the repo.

This is just a heads up that we will be requesting for another I build.


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