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[platform-releng-dev] Please sign-off on Eclipse 4.3.2 (Kepler) SR2 RC4

Bug 428042 - Declare Eclipse 4.3.2 (Kepler) SR2 RC4

There was just one change, from last week, but I think best to have the normal sign-off process.

I think there are two approaches: a) minimal testing since not much changed, or b) normal or even extra testing! since signing off on RC4 is the same as signing off on the whole SR2 release. That is, this is final build. (Only under extraordinary circumstances would we rebuild after RC4).

To repeat what I said in the bug, a "new procedure" is that if a group has not signed off by Thursday night ... or commented in the bug when they expect to be finished ... then I will send a note to PMC list on Thursday night that some components are not covered. Our process used to be I'd do that "on Friday", but ... as last week demonstrated, that's not very helpful ... especially if I am late doing it. The idea is the PMC is in the best position to know if some groups are "all out sick", or what ever, and who would make a good "backup".


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