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[platform-releng-dev] All Components: please apply CBI patches

In our prep work to support the Eclipse Foundation  CBI initiative, the CBI folks have prepared commits so we can accept their pom.xml file changes upstream.

Bug 379747 - Pull request for Platform from CBI
Bug 379748 - Pull request for Equinox from CBI
Bug 379749 - Pull request for PDE from CBI
Bug 379750 - Pull request for JDT from CBI

Each component lead should look at the bugs for their projects, and apply the commits listed in the above bugs.  You can either add the CBI forks as remotes in your local git repo and cherry pick the commit or take a patch from the web page.

They can go in any time now, but should be completed before tomorrow's (Tuesday evening) I build.

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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