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[platform-releng-dev] Some few more unit test results on I-build for M7

I have enabled all the unit tests again, and reset the time out to 2 hours, and fixed the releng tests and (probably) broke the swt tests.

I put them in the corresponding I-build location that was copied/renamed to be M7, just so as to not "contaminate" actual M7 pages.

So, see if they means anything to you, especially compared to the milestone results

 (though, to be honest, I've kind of confused myself on what was enabled when and what settings were in effect when, etc ... there are more test results in milestone location than I recall.)

You'll notice only linux is there in current test results for I-build. I've actually had them complete on all platforms, but not reliably on the mac (usually times out, I think, after 15 hours ... may have to run "one one build at a time" there? I've been trying 3.8 and 4.2 "at same time" ) Windows is more complicated in that windows doesn't "play nice" with some protected .git files when I try to "clean" the workspace. I think I have a solution, but waiting on some changes to that machine. (If it is delayed long enough, I'll run them on my home computer :)  (issues tracked in bug 377670  and bug 378784)

So, point is, while I have had them "complete" once, I've "lost the results" on the build machine in subsequent runs so Linux is the only one "left" on build machine, at this exact moment.

Bogden, et. al, let's discuss the SWT test failures in bug 377857
I think the "solution" is to ask that the linux hudson slave machines be updated to ?some? version of firefox, but would prefer you so specify what you want there.

Others, please open bugs in releng for things that have to be changed in "setup" for any failing tests.

Thanks all (for reading my long notes :)


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