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[platform-releng-dev] Platform UI released for next 4.2 build

4.2 builds towards M1 are now currently scheduled to run at 2:00 am Friday, Monday - Thursday.

3.7.1 build is scheduled to run Friday at 20:00.


The build contains the following changes:
+ Bug 353001 - [Compatibility] "forcePluginActivation" attribute not honoured for property testers (FIXED)
+ Bug 353229 - [Compatibility] serviceFactory extensions are being ignored (FIXED)
+ Bug 353233 - [Compatibility] IWorkbenchPageTest's testSetPartState is failing (FIXED)
+ Bug 353240 - [Compatibility] IWorkbenchWindow's openPage(String, IAdaptable) is not implemented correctly (FIXED)
+ Bug 353245 - [Compatibility] Remove unnecessary service factory definitions (FIXED)
+ Bug 353248 - [Compatibility] Disposable services created by the context may not get disposed (FIXED)
+ Bug 353342 - [Compatibility] IWorkingSetManager's testRecentWorkingSetsLength is failing (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:

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