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[platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20100305-0800 (Timestamp: 201003050800):Compile errors in build

Build I20100305-0800 (Timestamp: 201003050800):  Compile errors in build.  See attached compile logs.
Title: Compiler log for org.eclipse.ui.ide.application_1.0.200.I20100305-0800

Compiler log for org.eclipse.ui.ide.application_1.0.200.I20100305-0800 : @dot.xml


errors others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings

/src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 55)
display.addListener(SWT.OpenDocument, this);
SWT.OpenDocument cannot be resolved to a variable


top errors forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings forbidden warnings

/src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/ : 5 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 39)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin;
Discouraged access: The type WorkbenchPlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 95)
Shell shell = WorkbenchPlugin.getSplashShell(display);
Discouraged access: The type WorkbenchPlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 95)
Shell shell = WorkbenchPlugin.getSplashShell(display);
Discouraged access: The method getSplashShell(Display) from the type WorkbenchPlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 106)
Discouraged access: The type WorkbenchPlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 106)
Discouraged access: The method unsetSplashShell(Display) from the type WorkbenchPlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot

/src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/ : 19 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 20)
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace;
Discouraged access: The type Workspace is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 61)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ISelectionConversionService;
Discouraged access: The type ISelectionConversionService is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 62)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionBuilder;
Discouraged access: The type PluginActionBuilder is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 63)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench;
Discouraged access: The type Workbench is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 73)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.progress.ProgressMonitorJobsDialog;
Discouraged access: The type ProgressMonitorJobsDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
6. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 178)
Discouraged access: The type PluginActionBuilder is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
7. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 178)
Discouraged access: The method setAllowIdeLogging(boolean) from the type PluginActionBuilder is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
8. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 254)
((Workbench) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()).registerService( ISelectionConversionService.class, new IDESelectionConversionService());
Discouraged access: The method registerService(Class, Object) from the type Workbench is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
9. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 254)
((Workbench) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()).registerService(
Discouraged access: The type Workbench is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
10. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 255)
Discouraged access: The type ISelectionConversionService is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
11. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 398)
private ProgressMonitorJobsDialog dialog;
Discouraged access: The type ProgressMonitorJobsDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
12. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 401)
ProgressMonitorJobsDialog dialog) {
Discouraged access: The type ProgressMonitorJobsDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
13. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 444)
ProgressMonitorJobsDialog {
Discouraged access: The type ProgressMonitorJobsDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
14. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 447)
Discouraged access: The constructor ProgressMonitorJobsDialog(Shell) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
15. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 455)
Discouraged access: The method createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite) from the type ProgressMonitorJobsDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
16. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 477)
final ProgressMonitorJobsDialog p = new CancelableProgressMonitorJobsDialog(
Discouraged access: The type ProgressMonitorJobsDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
17. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 490)
status.merge(((Workspace) ResourcesPlugin .getWorkspace()).save(true, true, monitor));
Discouraged access: The method save(boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor) from the type Workspace is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/@dot
18. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 490)
status.merge(((Workspace) ResourcesPlugin
Discouraged access: The type Workspace is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/@dot
19. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/
 (at line 498), false, runnable);
Discouraged access: The method run(boolean, boolean, IRunnableWithProgress) from the type ProgressMonitorJobsDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot

/src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/ : 9 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 23)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds;
Discouraged access: The type IWorkbenchHelpContextIds is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 24)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.StartupPreferencePage;
Discouraged access: The type StartupPreferencePage is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 36)
public class IDEStartupPreferencePage extends StartupPreferencePage implements
Discouraged access: The type StartupPreferencePage is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 51)
Discouraged access: The type IWorkbenchHelpContextIds is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 51)
Discouraged access: The field STARTUP_PREFERENCE_PAGE from the type IWorkbenchHelpContextIds is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
6. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 53)
Composite composite = createComposite(parent);
Discouraged access: The method createComposite(Composite) from the type StartupPreferencePage is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
7. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 61)
Discouraged access: The method createEarlyStartupSelection(Composite) from the type StartupPreferencePage is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
8. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 79)
Discouraged access: The method performDefaults() from the type StartupPreferencePage is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
9. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 98)
return super.performOk();
Discouraged access: The method performOk() from the type StartupPreferencePage is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot

/src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/ : 3 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 36)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds;
Discouraged access: The type IWorkbenchHelpContextIds is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 67)
Discouraged access: The type IWorkbenchHelpContextIds is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ide/application/dialogs/
 (at line 67)
Discouraged access: The field WORKSPACES_PREFERENCE_PAGE from the type IWorkbenchHelpContextIds is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/I201003050800/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/@dot
Title: Compiler log for org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.6.0.I20100305-0800

Compiler log for org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.6.0.I20100305-0800 : @dot.xml


errors others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings

/Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ : 2 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/
 (at line 83)
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TaskItem;
The import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TaskItem cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/
 (at line 3328)
TaskItem taskItem = null;
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type

/Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/ : 13 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 27)
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TaskItem;
The import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TaskItem cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 50)
private final TaskItem taskItem;
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 52)
public TaskBarProgressManager(TaskItem taskItem) {
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 54)
this.taskItem = taskItem;
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 90)
if (!taskItem.isDisposed() && !jobs.isEmpty()) {
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 100)
if (!taskItem.isDisposed()) {
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 101)
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
8. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 112)
if (isAnimated && taskItem != null && !taskItem.isDisposed()) {
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
9. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 112)
if (isAnimated && taskItem != null && !taskItem.isDisposed()) {
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
10. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 119)
if (!taskItem.isDisposed() && taskItem.getProgressState() != state) {
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
11. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 119)
if (!taskItem.isDisposed() && taskItem.getProgressState() != state) {
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
12. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 120)
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type
13. ERROR in /Eclipse UI/org/eclipse/ui/internal/progress/
 (at line 121)
TaskItem cannot be resolved to a type


top errors forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings forbidden warnings

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