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Re: [platform-releng-dev] EPP and the final eclipse/updates/3.5 repo

Thanks for the clarification. Now I am going back to my other repository problems ;-)

Regards, Markus

2009/6/18 Kim Moir <Kim_Moir@xxxxxxxxxx>

No, using using /3.5milestones/I20090611-1540/ should be fine for the package maintainers.  

I just didn't want the Galileo repo to point to /3.5milestones/I20090611-1540/  because at some point we'll clean up the milestones site.  Since our contribution to Galileo is included as part of a composite repo, it would make sense to point it ot the final 3.5 site.


Markus Knauer <mknauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/18/2009 11:34 AM

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list."        <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[platform-releng-dev] EPP and the final eclipse/updates/3.5 repo

Hi Kim,

I noticed that you added a comment to the Final Daze and removed the "milestones" from the repo:

> Monday 6/22
> by 17:00 EDT, at the latest
> ...
> EPP will start building packages as soon as the Galileo staging update site is ready (releases/staging and eclipse/updates/3.5 will be the input for the packages); depending on the server load the build takes about 180 minutes
> kmoir>I don't want the final Galileo build to refer to bundles in our milestones repo. It should point to our releases repo. This means that our bundles will be available on the Monday 22 instead of Wednesday.

Is there a reason why I should build the EPP packages with the 3.5 repo instead of the 3.5milestones? In fact, I am currently using the latest sub-repository /3.5milestones/I20090611-1540/.

While it is not a big deal to change the repo location and to start another build, I really would like to omit one of those last minute builds. This would give the package maintainers more time to test the packages before I copy them to their download location. Is there anything that would change in the packages if I am using /3.5milestones/I20090611-1540/ as input? Anything that I should be aware of?

Thanks and regards,
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Markus Knauer
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