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Re: [platform-releng-dev] tag bundles changed since I20090421-0930 build

Thanks so much to all the teams who tagged your bundles so quickly!  +1 to you all


Kim Moir/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/29/2009 04:38 PM

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list."        <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[platform-releng-dev] tag bundles changed since I20090421-0930 build

As was discussed in the arch call this morning, there was a problem as described in  bug 274181 ( where published jar files were missing entries for directories during this week's milestone builds.  I have updated the eclipse builder with the new p2.core bundle to reflect this fix and ran a test build.

As a result, teams are asked to retag all bundles that have changed since last week's I-build I20090421-0930.

I have compared the map files and opened bugs against each component with the list of bundles that need to be tagged. These bugs are referenced in this aggregate bug

tag projects changed since I20090421-0930 build

Q. Why do we need to tag all the bundles that have changed?  

A.  When we update via p2 or a zip, the bundle should have the same binary content if the bundle version and qualifier are the same. Since the bundles were missing directory entries, we need to retag them so the new bundles that are created will be available to update via p2.  Otherwise, your install and the zips created by the next build will have the same bundles with missing directories.

Q. Do features need to be tagged again?

A. No, the qualifier will be generated with a unique suffix.

Q. Do test bundles need to be tagged again?

A. No, test bundles aren't built using the publisher so this bug doesn't impact them.

Q.  If I miss the 1am build for this fix will there be another build tomorrow?

A.  At platform releng, our motto is "Over 1 million builds served".  There can be another build tomorrow to address this issue.

thank you,

platform-releng-dev mailing list

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