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[platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build N20090204-2000 (Timestamp: 200902042000):Compile errors in build

Build N20090204-2000 (Timestamp: 200902042000):  Compile errors in build.  See attached compile logs.
Title: Compiler log for lib

Compiler log for lib : apitooling-ant.jar.bin.xml


errors others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings

/builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/
 (at line 202)
The method reportNotSearched(SkippedComponent[]) from the type DBUseReporter refers to the missing type SkippedComponent

/builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/
 (at line 321)
reporter.reportNotSearched((SkippedComponent[]) this.notsearched.toArray(new SkippedComponent[this.notsearched.size()]));
The method reportNotSearched(SkippedComponent[]) from the type DBUseReporter refers to the missing type SkippedComponent


top errors forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings forbidden warnings
Title: Compiler log for org.eclipse.pde.api.tools_1.0.100.N20090204-2000

Compiler log for org.eclipse.pde.api.tools_1.0.100.N20090204-2000 : @dot.xml


errors others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings

/src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/search/ : 3 errors :

1. ERROR in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/search/
 (at line 21)
The import cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/search/
 (at line 105)
public void reportNotSearched(CommonUtilsTask.SkippedComponent[] components) {
CommonUtilsTask cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/search/
 (at line 114)
protected String getNotSearchedInsertQuery(CommonUtilsTask.SkippedComponent[] components) {
CommonUtilsTask cannot be resolved to a type


top errors forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings forbidden warnings

/src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/ : 13 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 71)
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.IPluginModelListener;
Discouraged access: The type IPluginModelListener is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 72)
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.PDECore;
Discouraged access: The type PDECore is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 73)
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.PluginModelDelta;
Discouraged access: The type PluginModelDelta is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 88)
public final class ApiBaselineManager implements IApiBaselineManager, ISaveParticipant, IElementChangedListener, IPluginModelListener, IResourceChangeListener {
Discouraged access: The type IPluginModelListener is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 169)
Discouraged access: The type PDECore is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
6. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 169)
Discouraged access: The method getDefault() from the type PDECore is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
7. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 169)
Discouraged access: The method getModelManager() from the type PDECore is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
8. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 169)
Discouraged access: The method addPluginModelListener(IPluginModelListener) from the type PluginModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
9. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 609)
Discouraged access: The type PDECore is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
10. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 609)
Discouraged access: The method getDefault() from the type PDECore is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
11. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 609)
Discouraged access: The method getModelManager() from the type PDECore is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
12. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 609)
Discouraged access: The method removePluginModelListener(IPluginModelListener) from the type PluginModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
13. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/
 (at line 840)
public void modelsChanged(PluginModelDelta delta) {
Discouraged access: The type PluginModelDelta is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot

/src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/ : 34 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 57)
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager;
Discouraged access: The type JavaModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 58)
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.ReferenceCollection;
Discouraged access: The type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 59)
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.State;
Discouraged access: The type State is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 60)
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.StringSet;
Discouraged access: The type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 182)
private StringSet fTypes = new StringSet(3);
Discouraged access: The type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
6. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 182)
private StringSet fTypes = new StringSet(3);
Discouraged access: The constructor StringSet(int) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
7. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 182)
private StringSet fTypes = new StringSet(3);
Discouraged access: The type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
8. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 187)
private StringSet fPackages = new StringSet(3);
Discouraged access: The type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
9. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 187)
private StringSet fPackages = new StringSet(3);
Discouraged access: The constructor StringSet(int) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
10. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 187)
private StringSet fPackages = new StringSet(3);
Discouraged access: The type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
11. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 278)
if (fTypes.add(typeName) && fPackages.add(packageName) && DEBUG) {
Discouraged access: The method add(String) from the type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
12. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 278)
if (fTypes.add(typeName) && fPackages.add(packageName) && DEBUG) {
Discouraged access: The method add(String) from the type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
13. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 333)
State state = (State)JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getLastBuiltState(fCurrentProject, new NullProgressMonitor());
Discouraged access: The type State is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
14. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 333)
State state = (State)JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getLastBuiltState(fCurrentProject, new NullProgressMonitor());
Discouraged access: The type State is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
15. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 333)
State state = (State)JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getLastBuiltState(fCurrentProject, new NullProgressMonitor());
Discouraged access: The type JavaModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
16. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 333)
State state = (State)JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getLastBuiltState(fCurrentProject, new NullProgressMonitor());
Discouraged access: The method getJavaModelManager() from the type JavaModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
17. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 333)
State state = (State)JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getLastBuiltState(fCurrentProject, new NullProgressMonitor());
Discouraged access: The method getLastBuiltState(IProject, IProgressMonitor) from the type JavaModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
18. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 355)
Discouraged access: The method clear() from the type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
19. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 356)
Discouraged access: The method clear() from the type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
20. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 609)
private void build(final State state, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
Discouraged access: The type State is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
21. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 819)
private void collectAffectedSourceFiles(State state) {
Discouraged access: The type State is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
22. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 821)
char[][][] internedQualifiedNames = ReferenceCollection.internQualifiedNames(fPackages);
Discouraged access: The type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
23. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 821)
char[][][] internedQualifiedNames = ReferenceCollection.internQualifiedNames(fPackages);
Discouraged access: The method internQualifiedNames(StringSet) from the type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
24. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 823)
if (internedQualifiedNames.length < fPackages.elementSize) {
Discouraged access: The field elementSize from the type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
25. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 826)
char[][] internedSimpleNames = ReferenceCollection.internSimpleNames(fTypes, true);
Discouraged access: The type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
26. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 826)
char[][] internedSimpleNames = ReferenceCollection.internSimpleNames(fTypes, true);
Discouraged access: The method internSimpleNames(StringSet, boolean) from the type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
27. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 828)
if (internedSimpleNames.length < fTypes.elementSize) {
Discouraged access: The field elementSize from the type StringSet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
28. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 831)
Object[] keyTable = state.getReferences().keyTable;
Discouraged access: The method getReferences() from the type State is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
29. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 831)
Object[] keyTable = state.getReferences().keyTable;
Discouraged access: The field keyTable from the type SimpleLookupTable is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
30. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 832)
Object[] valueTable = state.getReferences().valueTable;
Discouraged access: The method getReferences() from the type State is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
31. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 832)
Object[] valueTable = state.getReferences().valueTable;
Discouraged access: The field valueTable from the type SimpleLookupTable is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
32. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 836)
ReferenceCollection refs = (ReferenceCollection) valueTable[i];
Discouraged access: The type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
33. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 836)
ReferenceCollection refs = (ReferenceCollection) valueTable[i];
Discouraged access: The type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
34. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/builder/
 (at line 837)
if (refs.includes(internedQualifiedNames, internedSimpleNames, null)) {
Discouraged access: The method includes(char[][][], char[][], char[][]) from the type ReferenceCollection is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot

/src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/ : 3 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 73)
import org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.TargetWeaver;
Discouraged access: The type TargetWeaver is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 204)
Discouraged access: The type TargetWeaver is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 204)
Discouraged access: The method weaveManifest(Dictionary) from the type TargetWeaver is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot

/src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/ : 5 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 48)
Discouraged access: The type WorkspaceBuildModel is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 199)
WorkspaceBuildModel properties = new WorkspaceBuildModel(prop);
Discouraged access: The type WorkspaceBuildModel is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 199)
WorkspaceBuildModel properties = new WorkspaceBuildModel(prop);
Discouraged access: The constructor WorkspaceBuildModel(IFile) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 199)
WorkspaceBuildModel properties = new WorkspaceBuildModel(prop);
Discouraged access: The type WorkspaceBuildModel is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/model/
 (at line 200)
IBuild build = properties.getBuild();
Discouraged access: The method getBuild() from the type BuildModel is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot

/src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/util/ : 5 warnings :

1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/util/
 (at line 94)
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ConstantPool;
Discouraged access: The type ConstantPool is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/util/
 (at line 2000)
return org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.WorkspaceModelManager.isBinaryProject(project);
Discouraged access: The type WorkspaceModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/util/
 (at line 2000)
return org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.WorkspaceModelManager.isBinaryProject(project);
Discouraged access: The method isBinaryProject(IProject) from the type WorkspaceModelManager is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/@dot
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/util/
 (at line 2595)
return Arrays.equals(ConstantPool.Init, referenceMemberName.toCharArray());
Discouraged access: The type ConstantPool is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/pde/api/tools/internal/util/
 (at line 2595)
return Arrays.equals(ConstantPool.Init, referenceMemberName.toCharArray());
Discouraged access: The field Init from the type ConstantPool is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /builds/N200902042000/src/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core/@dot

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