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[platform-releng-dev] Eclipse 3.5M4 now available

Santa baby, just slip a milestone under the tree, for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby so hurry down the
chimney tonight

Santa baby, another cocoa build from you,

64 bit - that would do the trick,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney

Think of all the sleep we've missed,
Think of all the bugs that we've marked as fixed,
Next year we could be just as good
Now that M4's off our todo list!

Santa baby,  the compiler can find dead code,
Thanks to JDT I can tell bloat to hit the road,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa honey, I'd like to validate my BREE with PDE

Catch problems with third party libraries,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a new Jetty version,
Sign your +1 on the line,
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

I'd like to have a better filtered tree,

And some new ui,
When using p2 to find new bundles to try,
Improvements to the compare editor too, that'd be swell for me and you

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, some Eclipse bling,
Something warm, that tells everyone open source is for me,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry, tonight.



New and Noteworthy

Happy holidays from the Platform, JDT, PDE and Equinox teams


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