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[platform-releng-dev] Packager creates update jars


I'm currently trying to adapt the Eclipse build process to a simple
dummy project.  At the moment the process consists of three targets:
building the master feature, unpacking the update jars for features and
for packages which ask for it and packaging everything.

This last packaging target unconditionally packages everything into
update jars -- which of course is not what I want.  I quick glimpse into
the packaging script reveals that indeed all features and plugins that
have previously been unpacked get jarred again.

After some time of debugging I found out, that the forceUpdateJarFormat
flag of the PackageScriptGenerator class from the
plug-in is set to 'true'.  That's logical, since this flag is a static
field of the AbstractScriptGenerator class and gets set to 'true' during
the build of the master feature (which should indeed output update
jars).  The PackagerTask class does not reset this flag.  Thus I end up
with update jars in my final packages.

This behaviour rises to questions:
1. Why does it (obviously) work with Eclipse itself?
2. What might I be doing wrong?

Thanks for any help.


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