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[platform-releng-dev] Re: [pde-build-dev] What's the use of task <modifiedMaps> in EclipseBuilder?
>> Eclipse Platform Release Engineering FAQ

>> If you would like additional content added to this FAQ, please send
>> a note to the platform releng developers mailing list

Kim Moir 11/30/2006 10:51 AM
> To be clear, this is not a function in pde build itself but rather
> in the org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder project which is maintained by
> the platform team for their builds. 

The following seems too good to languish in the archives. Is it
already available via the wiki? If not, could it be added either to
(in declining order of preference)

* a basebuilder readme, à la

* the Eclipse Platform Release Engineering FAQ

? (I'd add it myself to the latter except for the instruction above.)

> Other teams also use this project but there are no guarantees that
> it will remain consistent in functionality (no api contract)

> The function of this task is to compare the current version of a map
> file project in cvs with the one from the last build which we store
> in on properties file on our build server.

> Do you have a properties file with the cvs tag used in the previous
> version? For instance, our latest ${ looks like
> this

> bash-3.00$ cat

>        lastMapTag=I20061129-1340 

> modifiedMaps refers to org.eclipse.releng.CvsDiffParser in
> org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/ See
> the plugin.xml for We rtag our map
> file project with each integration build to allow us to compare the
> map file project between builds. This allows us to see the projects
> that have submitted code (updated their map files) since the last
> i-build and cancel a build if the map files haven't changed.

> The
> sends mail messages to notify of build events. However, it requires
> javax.mail which is included in j2ee.jar. We don't have j2ee.jar on
> the open source project because it was not a file we could open
> source as it is part of the vm. We store in on an internal server
> and check it out during our builds, you could do the same. This make
> be the cause of your NoClassDefFoundError.

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