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[platform-releng-dev] How to install

Hi Everybody:
I really need to install eclipse from source. I couldn't find any reliable resource to guide me through the process.
I got no answer from the

I tried to do this but failed:

java -cp ../org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile buildAll.xml -Dcomponent=sdk -Dconfigs="linux,gtk, x86_64" -Dzipargs=-y -DbuildDirectory=/opt/eclipse

I got this:

[javac] Button createActionButton(Composite parent, String text, Listener listener) {
   [javac]                               ^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] Composite cannot be resolved to a type
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 97. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 856)
   [javac]     void createActionButtons(Composite parent) {
   [javac]                              ^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] Composite cannot be resolved to a type
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 98. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 925)
   [javac]     ^^^^^
   [javac] shell cannot be resolved
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 99. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 978)
   [javac]     classesLt.removeAll();
   [javac]     ^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] classesLt cannot be resolved
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 100. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 998)
   [javac]     membersLt.removeAll();
   [javac]     ^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] membersLt cannot be resolved
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 101. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 1090)
   [javac]     paramsLt.removeAll();
   [javac]     ^^^^^^^^
   [javac] paramsLt cannot be resolved
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 102. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 1123)
   [javac]     void updateGenerate(TableItem item) {
   [javac]                         ^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] TableItem cannot be resolved to a type
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 103. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 1146)
   [javac]     String outputDirStr = outputDirCb.getText();
   [javac]                           ^^^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] outputDirCb cannot be resolved
   [javac] ----------
[javac] 104. ERROR in /opt/eclipse/plugins/ Generation/org/eclipse/swt/tools/internal/ (at line 1172)
   [javac]     String mainClassStr = mainClassCb.getText();
   [javac]                           ^^^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] mainClassCb cannot be resolved
   [javac] ----------
   [javac] 104 problems (104 errors)
   [javac] Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
[copy] Copying 26 files to /opt/eclipse/plugins/ [jar] Building jar: /opt/eclipse/plugins/ [delete] Deleting directory /opt/eclipse/plugins/ [mkdir] Created dir: /opt/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.platform/about_files/linux.motif.x86

/home/mansour/eclipse.src/org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder/buildAll.xml:48: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/mansour/eclipse.src/org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder/buildAll.xml:140: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/mansour/eclipse.src/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/ The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/mansour/eclipse.src/org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildConfigs/sdk/customTargets.xml:216: Warning: Could not find file /opt/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.motif.linux.x86/about.html to copy.

Please, I need help. I am using fedora 4, and the one installed from yum, is not functioning properly. Many plugins are not configured properly. I need to install eclipse from scratch.

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