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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Platform Build PAge

I echo Jeff's sentiments with one addition:

Whoever tests color schemes should use both an LCD and a regular
CRT--preferably an older LCD and an older CRT.  Certain colors are just
not rendered accurately on one or the other, so a color scheme that looks
great on my CRT might not have enough contrast to even be usable on an LCD
or vice versa.  The age of the device matters too.  Older displays seem to
not be as accurate at rendering colors as newer ones.

Best regards,

Dave Orme

> This is a good start.  I suspect that there is a problem however in that
> when I look at the page (with IE or Firefox) it is clear that the script
> embedded in it is broken.  I see random text as shown below with broken
> links etc.  The links down the left help but people should just see the
> world according to the OS/WS/ARCH they are on from the very beginning.  It
> is a rare few who want to download for the platform other than the one
> they are on.  Currently you have to go to a tiny link on the top right to
> and click on Windows (whatever).  Then you get to a page that is pretty
> reasonable except,...
> - you can't tell what is a link and what is not.  Partially this is
> because of the look that is just so completley and utterly
> broken (dark purple and dark black are pretty much the same color).  Just
> cause it is the style and they can't figure out how to fix it
> does not mean that our pages have to be broken.  We can fix it.  We have
> the power to have our own CSS files! (or whatever)
> - the columns in each entry are too wide such that some text ends up
> wrapping needlessly. This makes it hard to read
> - There is too much space.  The list needs to be more compact so that
> people can see what they want all at once rather than having to scroll.
> - There is too much text describing each drop.  We should just have one
> full page of all the descriptions with anchors. Then the download page can
> link to the descriptions if users want more info.
> - the headings for each section seem to be active (they change color when
> you hover over them) but do not seem to do anything.
> - the "Platform" column is not needed since I just chose my platform to
> get to this page.  If it is on this page it is relevant to my platform.
> - the columns are not lined up from one entry to the next
> For each entry I suggest something like
> Status  Description                             Download        Size File
> where the Description is some very short name/description.  The
> descriptoin itself should then just be a link to an anchor on a page with
> the full descriptions.  For example, something like the following is
> simple and clean.  it would fit all on one screen and people can then just
> scan down the name/descirption column to see what they want.
> /       Full Eclipse SDK                                http/ftp 120MB
> (md5)
> /       RCP Runtime                                     http/ftp 9MB
> (md5)
> /       RCP SDK                                 http/ftp 17MB
> (md5)
> /       Platform Runtime                                http/ftp 9MB
> (md5)
> /       Platform SDK                                    http/ftp 17MB
> (md5)
> /       JDT Runtime                                     http/ftp 9MB
> (md5)
> /       JDT SDK                                 http/ftp 17MB
> (md5)
> /       PDE Runtime                                     http/ftp 9MB
> (md5)
> /       PDE SDK                                 http/ftp 17MB
> (md5)
> /       JUnit Plugin Testing Framework                  http/ftp 0MB
> (md5)
> /       Automated Tests                         http/ftp 82MB
> (md5)
> /       Eclipse SDK Examples                            http/ftp 3MB
> (md5)
> Jeff
> Snippet of what I see when I go to the link provided...
> getClientOS(); if($clientOS == "win32") { $clientOS = Windows; $link =
> "winPlatform.php#EclipseSDK"; echo "
> \"Download   Download now: Eclipse SDK, $clientOS
>   You are currently running on $clientOS"; } else if($clientOS == "mac") {
> $clientOS = Macintosh; $link = "macPlatform.php#EclipseSDK"; echo "
> \"Download   Download now: Eclipse SDK, $clientOS
>   You are currently running on $clientOS"; } else if($clientOS == "linux")
> { $clientOS = Linux; $link = "linPlatform.php#EclipseSDK"; echo "
> \"Download   Download now: Eclipse SDK, $clientOS
>   You are currently running on $clientOS"; } else { $link =
> "index.php#EclipseSDK"; echo "
> \"Download   Download now: Eclipse SDK
> "; } ?>
> Performance results now available"; } echo "$line"; $servername =
> $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; if (! preg_match("/",$servername))
> { echo "To
> Haytham Yassine/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
> Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 06/23/2006 01:49 PM
> Please respond to
> "Eclipse platform release engineering list."
> <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
> platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> cc
> Subject
> [platform-releng-dev] Platform Build PAge
> Hello,
> We have launched a test prototype of the new Platform Build Page for
> people
> to try.
> The page is organized into tabs, each of which is specific to a
> certain operating system. Please be advised that:
>       -The test results page is still under construction.
>       -The links to the drops are dummy links and aren't functional yet.
>       -If you have specific comments on how to improve this page, append
> your comments to this bug
> Thankyou.
> Haytham Yassine
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> platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
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