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[platform-releng-dev] prechecking doc changes with chkpii

In order to give a Olivier a break on patching doc after every build ;-)...
I thought I'd share what I do to precheck my doc submissions with chkpii.  Perhaps we could update/formalize this and include on the doc wiki.  These instructions are for windows.

- First, obtain and install the latest chkpii (currently chkpw805.exe).  (How do non-IBM committers get this tool?)
I install mine into c:\chkpii
- Create a subdirectory underneath your chkpii directory called "check"
- whenever you are ready to submit doc changes, just drag all the changed files into the "check" directory.
- run the attached "chk.bat" file, which should be placed inside the chkpii directory.
- consult the "htmlog,txt" file for errors and fix them...

The ignore* files that I use and the chkpii options were obtained from releng long ago, but they seem to do the trick for me..that is they are finding my errors and when I pass locally I am passing the builds...


Attachment chk.bat contains a potentially harmful file type extension and was removed in accordance with IBM IT content security practices. 

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