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[platform-releng-dev] JDT UI 3.2 RC4 bug fixes

JDT.UI intends to fix the following bugs for 3.2 RC4 (list includes bugs already announced this morning):

139933 [CommonNavigator][Java] (NeedsApproval) Deleting multiple projects does not remove them from project explorer
140465  [JUnit] Test failure: sometimes can't run JUnit tests from runtime workbench
140548 [junit] NPE when opening history menu after removing launch configuration
140755 [refactoring] Updated artwork for Refactor->History...
140551 [junit] Strange ignored node in JUnit view
140911 140890 140902 No version range specified when requiring bundles

These fixes are currently under review:

140332 [migrate jar] Migrate jar fails to create stubs for types in default package
140758 [junit] Inconsistent labels in JUnit view
140761 [junit] decouple filtering from presentation mode

And these bugs are in work:

140553 [junit] New JUnit launch configs mapped onto wrong existing ones
140901 Deletion of source-controlled file now considered a refactor, causing interactive checkout prompts
140982 Refactor->Use Supertype causes Stack overflow error


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