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[platform-releng-dev] JDT/UI fixes for 3.2RC3

Additional issues addressed for I20060504-1600:

139662 open type dialog: Error when opening an excluded type
139694 [junit] Edit JUnit library dialog issues
140136 [JUnit] Update JUnit4 to 4.1

and for I20060504-2000:

139172 Inline binary method should fail with a more precise message
139639 Odd alt+shift+T (surround w/ Try-Catch) behavior
140080 [CommonNavigator][Java] (NeedsApproval)JavaNavigatorContentProvider should return IWorkspaceRoot as parent
136746 [CommonNavigator] [Java] Java packages disappear when switching to Hierarchical mode
139905 [junit] No tests found must not be logged
139706 "Link Source Folder" must check that new folder does not yet exist
139932 [quick assist] Surround with runnable removes semicolon
140183 [refactor][script] extract superclass does not pull up methods
140176 [refactor][script] extract interface does not work for tagging interfaces
139668 [quick assist] Surround with runnable is superfluous
139381 [clean up] CE when adding generated serial version ID


----- Forwarded by Markus Keller/Zurich/IBM on 2006-05-04 14:13 -----
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2006-05-04 13:28

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[platform-releng-dev] Fw: JDT/UI planned fixes for 3.2RC3

Additional issues addressed for I20060504-0800:

139822 NPE in QuickAssistProcessor.getSplitVariableProposals

139145 [nls tooling] Wrong dialog title for 'Externalize Strings...'

139677 [refactoring] Rename Java project does not appear in refactoring history

138944 [refactoring] NPE in Change Signature refactoring

139910 [Preferences] arbitrary keyword suggestions


----- Forwarded by Markus Keller/Zurich/IBM on 2006-05-04 13:23 -----
Markus Keller/Zurich/IBM

2006-05-03 20:01

JDT/UI planned fixes for 3.2RC3

JDT/UI will address these defects for 3.2RC3:

139170  Extract superclass should make created class abstract if it inherits from an abstract class

139549         NPE in OpenAction

139889         [junit] NPE in JUnitQuickFixProcessor#isInsideJUnit4Test

139900         [Preferences] Missing keyword for compiler pref-page

138767         Empty folders in Sync View after update

139762         Open type dialog sorted incorrectly

139727         "constructor()" checkbox on new JUnite Test Case wizard is wrong

139741         No way to import refactoring history from JAR file

139915         [nls] Find Broken Externalized Strings action should not be enabled for accessor classes not on build path

129725        JDT JUnit: java.lang.Exception: Unexpected TestElement type for testId '230':

139750        [junit] Run as JUnit 4.0 Testcase does not work if testcase contains final methods only

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