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[platform-releng-dev] Endgame plan reminder

Today is the beginning of a 2 day test pass against RC2.  As a reminder the rules of engagement for contributions to RC3 are
Focus: Serious defects only; documentation.
Fix approval: Component lead plus one other component lead must approve all work on a component. No changes are to be released without prior approval and associated bug report tagged 3.2RC3. (Ongoing changes to component documentation do not require special approval.)
API change approval: PMC must approve all API changes. No changes are to be released without prior approval and associated bug report.
Notification requirements: Announce bug numbers of intended non-doc changes to platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list.
Extra checking requirements: Additional committer must check all code changes prior to release. Person who reported bug should mark the bug as verified once they have retested.

End game plan

End game build schedule


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