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[platform-releng-dev] Eclipse 3.1.2 now available

We are pleased to announce that Eclipse 3.1.2 is now available for download from

Eclipse 3.1.2 is a maintenance release fixing over 66 defects in Eclipse 3.1.1.

This drop has already been replicated to several large mirrors to improve your download experience. Thank you to the Eclipse foundation and our external mirrors for working with us to ensure that the drops were more widely available at release time.

For people who already downloaded the maintenance build with timestamp M20060118-1600, there's no need to download 3.1.2 - it's the same.

For further details, please refer to the release notes.

The update jars for 3.1.2 have now propagated to the mirrors.  Instructions on how to upgrade from to 3.1.x from 3.1 using update manager are provided in the link below.

We would like to extend a special thanks to the community for all the assistance that they provided through bug reports and other feedback.

The Eclipse project team

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