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Re: [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050919-0010 (Timestamp: 200509190010):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred.

The core test failure is a problem with the test case itself which I have
fixed for the next build.

platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 19/09/2005 07:38:34 AM:

> Build I20050919-0010 (Timestamp: 200509190010):  Automated JUnit
> testing is complete.  Test failures/errors occurred in the following:
> org.eclipse.ant.tests.ui_linux.gtk.x86
> org.eclipse.core.tests_linux.gtk.x86
> org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests_linux.gtk.x86
> org.eclipse.swt.tests_macosx.carbon.ppc
> HTTP Download:
> FTP Download:
>    user: anonymous
>    password: (e-mail address or leave blank)
>    server:
>    cd to directory:  I20050919-0010
>    or

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