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Re: [platform-releng-dev] improved checking for internal references

Philippe wrote on 02/18/2005 04:25:09 PM:

> If this feature request was implemented, our compiler would accept a
> superset of the Java language, and no longer be compliant.

I thought the answer might be something like this but I thought I should ask.  You might want to resolve this bug as WONTFIX for this reason.

> One could imagine using Javadoc, and then some tooling to convert Javadoc
> into annotation (once migrating to 1.5 JRE).
Yes, this would be a reasonable option for much of Eclipse, but
because of bug 80053 (, it is not an option for the RCP until J2ME moves to supporting Java 5.  I am not sure when or if that will happen.

I was hoping we could choose between Javadoc and Annotation based on which was best for tooling authoring and enforcement of api specifications.  I was thinking Annotation would be better because we could leverage more of the existing JDT environment and api restrictions encoded as Annotations can enforced in the absence of source code.  However, if you are using an api, you will probably have the source code available so perhaps the last point is not as big a deal as I was imagining.

> Olivier wrote on 02/17/2005 05:13:29 PM:
> >
> > As soon as you use a 1.5 constructs (annotations, new for loop,
> > generics, static imports, enums, ....) you need -source 1.5 which
> > requires -target 1.5. So the generated .class file can only run on a
> > 1.5 VM. If you don't use 1.5 constructs, then you can change the
> > source level to what you want 1.4 ou less and have a compatible target
> level.
> >
> If bug 76906 ( were
> implemented, could we get around this problem for annotations?
> Thanks,
> Steve

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