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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Build I-200411091436 is unusable

Alright children it's now time to relax and take a deep breath and remember that every component team has in the past released a change that has broken the build and your complaints now about how bad someone else's error affected you will come back to haunt you when you are responsible for a future build breakage.

Dorian's point about trying balance forward progress with "process" is valid and the success of this project relies on everyone's good judgement. And errors in judgement have impact to the entire team that we must be aware of and we do need to have a good integration build every week and minimize the pain required to achieve enough stability so the entire development team can move to the integration builds.

We are not going give the release engineering team veto power over changes. It's your job to be a responsible adult and be confident in your submissions by for example it might be a good idea to actually run the code for a while before submitting, have JUnit tests etc.  This is particularly important for core components where the failures are often fatal but also important for leaf components where poorly implemented features cause huge frustration.

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