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[platform-releng-dev] [ANN] Please add scenarios to performance summaries!

As you can see on our performance web page, we are now showing a comparison of important performance tests in one global and a couple of local summary charts. You can find the local charts by clicking on one of the links in the section "Detailed performance data grouped by scenario prefix".

The idea is to provide a quick overview of the performance characteristics of a build without having to drill deep into the detailed performance data.

To include your performance tests in these summaries, you need to tag them in code by calling one of the following methods on your PerformanceMeters:


The first method adds them to both the global and the local summary; the second only to the local summary (similar methods exist for the PerformanceTestCase too). The methods should be called outside of start/stop calls but they must be called before the call to commit().

In order to keep the summary chart small, only a single dimension (CPU_TIME, USED_JAVA_HEAP etc.) of the measured data is shown and only a short name is used to label the data (instead of the rather long scenario ID). Both the short label as well as the dimension must be supplied in the call to tagAs[Global]Summary. The available dimensions can be found in org.eclipse.test.performance.Dimension.

I suggest that every component team tags one or two scenarios for the global summary and about 10 for the local (component) summary.

Thanks for your help,

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