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[platform-releng-dev] Setup question

I setup a build environment for our plug-ins based on the releng
plug-in. I checkout the plug-in and modified it to
build our own feature.
All works fine (building, testing, publishing) only the console output
of the testing wouldn't be created. I searched but I doesn't found where
it will be created.
I must comment out in
est.xml the last line because it doesn't found the consolelog dir
<target name="runtests-local">
            <!--run the tests-->
            <exec dir="${executionDir}" executable="${testExecutable}">
                        <arg line="${args}" />
            <mkdir dir="${testResults}" />
            <mkdir dir="${testResults}/consolelogs" />
            <copy todir="${testResults}">
                        <fileset dir="${executionDir}/results" />
            <!--<copy todir="${testResults}/consolelogs"
file="${executionDir}/${consolelog}" />-->
Where would be created the console log that I can display it in the
download site?
Thanks for any help.
Greets allon

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