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Re: [platform-releng-dev] performance tests launching a 2nd instance of Eclipse

Hi Rafael,

I've tweaked the performance plugin a bit (without adding new API yet),
and now it is possible to use the following code to measure startup performance:

package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.performance.views;

import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.Dimensions;
import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.eval.*;
import org.eclipse.test.performance.PerformanceTestCase;

public class StartupTest extends PerformanceTestCase {

	public void testStartup() throws Exception {

		Evaluator e= new Evaluator();
		e.setAssertCheckers(new AssertChecker[] {
new RelativeBandChecker(Dimensions.ELAPSED_PROCESS, 0.0f, 1.05f),

If you have cloudscape installed and enabled (more on that in an upcoming posting), the test will fail if the startup time takes more than 5% longer than a reference data set.
Without cloudscape it will just print the measurement to stdout.


At 18:20 Uhr -0400 31.8.2004, Rafael Chaves wrote:
Platform/Core is working on startup performance tests. This requires being
able to launch a second instance of Eclipse whose startup time will be
measured (session test).

We could imagine two different approaches for that: the test case launches
a second instance, some code running in this second instance does the
measurements, and somehow communicates the results back to the test case,
running in the first instance. The test case would then make assertions on
the resulting data. Another would be to do all the measuring and assertions
in this 2nd instance, the test case in the first instance being only
responsible for spawning the second instance.

What is the vision for session tests?  I know the performance test
framework is an ongoing work, but how could one achieve that now (using
internal API if needed)?



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