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[platform-releng-dev] ground rules for fixing bugs June 12-17

A reminder to Eclipse committers that from here on in we will be in a mode 
where we must consider very carefully which bugs we will attempt to fix 
for 3.0. The focus is on fixing serious defects, and on documentation. 

The ground rules for next week, leading up to RC3 on Friday June 18, are:

- Component lead plus one other component lead must approve all work on a 

- No changes are to be released without prior approval and associated bug 
report. Ongoing changes to component documentation are exempt.

- PMC must approve all API changes. No changes are to be released without 
prior approval and associated bug report.

- Bug numbers of intended non-doc changes must be announced to 
platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list.

- An additional committer must check all code changes prior to release.

- The person who reported the bug should mark the bug as verified once 
they have retested.

For further details see the 3.0 endgame plan

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