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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Status for 3.0 M8 Candidate

Equinox and Platform/Core are happy with the 8am build.

Note: There has been a sporatic failure in one of our tests (on Linux/GTK
- This is a timing problem and we do not feel that it will effect the
quality of the build.
- The failure is the same symptom each time but occurs during different
test methods.
- We have not made changes in this area of code in a long time.
- There was a failure yesterday at 8am and today at 1pm but not in any of
the other dozen or so builds this week.

platform-releng-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 03/26/2004 10:32:27 AM:
> All teams, please provide a go/no go status for 3.0 M8 Candidate on
> the 8am (200403260800) build . If you recontribute, please verify
> the build and provide status.
> Kim

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