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[platform-releng-dev] Platform UI Submission for I200403251600

Platform UI has updated its map, and has submitted fixes for the following 
55020   Open workspace dialog opens behind splash screen
55486   Alt+- does not open a proper system menu
56121   [Presentation] exception while replace from local history
56193   View toolbar is being repainted when the console is displaying 
56198   Toolbars and title labels are jumping in front of fastviews

The following bug was fixed in a previous release:
55640   [FastView] Screen cheese after Fastview resize

We are deferring on the following bugs:
50638   [EditorMgmt] dropdown: persistent editor drop down list
53303   [ContextMgmt] NPE switching to Debug perspective

The following bug is closed as WORKSFORME:
53594   [FastView] NPE attempting to close Junit view

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