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Re: [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20040325 (Timestamp: 200403251200):updated map file listing

On March 25, 2004 12:11 pm, eclipse-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Platform UI has contributed fixes for 6 of its outstanding bugs for M8.  This 
leaves 18 bugs to be considered before the release of M8.  It is possible 
that some of the remaining bugs may yet be deferred.  The following bugs 
should be fixed in I200403251200:

53039   [Workbench] Want to choose perspective tool bar location
55581   [KeyBindings] pressing Ctrl-F6 again closes editor list 
55931   [Workbench] NullPointerException in WorkbenchPage.setPerspective
56038   NPEs and other errors loading custom perspective
56097   [RCP] RCP apps should have traditional tabs by default
56100   [Perspectives] [RCP] NPEs in WorkbenchWindow when perspective bar not 

At this point, we'd like to ask that additional builds be scheduled to run via 
a cron job if the map files have changed.  We'd like to ask for builds to run 
at 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. tomorrow.


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