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[platform-releng-dev] Platform UI Submission for I200403250010

Platform UI has updated its map files for the midnight build tonight.  We are 
submitting fixes for 9 bugs.  We are aware of other bugs that are still to be 
fixed, and plan to submit again for the noon rebuild tomorrow.  Our testing 
and verification is still ongoing.


Bug 55635 ("";)
Eclipse hangs on full rebuild

Bug 55640 ("";)
[FastView] Screen cheese after Fastview resize

Bug 55705 ("";)
Bad Layout when view has toolbar and status information

Bug 55765 ("";)
NPE in new BuildSetAction

Bug 55798 ("";)
Activities UI synch needed

Bug 55901 ("";)
Cannot use a start up plugin in runtime workbench

Bug 55939 ("";)
[CoolBar] Off by one error in ToolBarContributionItem

Bug 55951 ("";)
[KeyBindings] Contexts/scopes don't appear in keys preference page

Bug 56005 ("";)
[DND] npe during part drop.


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