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Re: [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20040318 (Timestamp: 200403181131):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred.

It will use a native dll until there's a standard API telling us how many instances of a class lying around. We're only building the windows version because

1) we ain't got time for this ....
2) we believe that almost all memory leaks will be cross-platform, hence no added value


Daniel Megert/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/19/2004 08:29 AM
Please respond to platform-releng-dev

        To:        platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20040318 (Timestamp:  200403181131):Automated JUnit testing complete.  Test failures/errors occurred.


it does not since it currently uses a native DLL for profiling.


Nick Edgar:                                                    

Does the Java editor leak test run on Linux?  If so, it's curious that it
passes on Linux but not on Windows.


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