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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Building Eclipse distributions from source

Hi Seth,

we are still working on making our build mechanism available to everyone,
but in the meantime, you can try the following:

add the following target to the build.xml that runs the source build and
run it after the default target (run) has completed:

      <target name="foo" depends="init">
            <antcall target="allElements">
                  <param name="target" value="zip.distribution" />

This should generate a * file in each feature directory (used
to build the platform of Eclipse specified) which only contains the runtime
components.  Extract each of these into an empty directory.

To get an Eclipse to launch, copy the files required in the root of the
directory, set permissions, create soft links, etc, as per the instructions
in the "install" target.

Hope this helps,  let me know if you have any problems.


                      "Seth Nickell"                                                                                         
                      <Seth_Nickell@xxxxxxx>            To:       platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                            
                      Sent by:                          cc:                                                                  
                      platform-releng-dev-admin@        Subject:  [platform-releng-dev] Building Eclipse distributions from  
                      09/12/2002 12:40 PM                                                                                    
                      Please respond to                                                                                      

I'm attempting to make "packages" of Eclipse for Debian Linux. Since Debian
runs on a number of platforms other than x86 and has an automated build
system for generating these once you setup the correct package magic, I'm
working from the Eclipse source distribution. I've already setup the Ant
stuff necessary to build the SWT native libraries correctly/automatically,
and everything else seems to work just fine.

The problem I run into is that I can't find a mechanism for
install/seperating the runtime files only because the source build process
produces a monolithic tree containing both runtime "binaries" and source.
Some plugins do contain an exportplugin.xml Ant script which automatically
generates a zip containing the runtime components alone, but most plugins
do not have this.

What is the best way to produce a tree akin to the compiled builds placed
for download at What tools/scripts are you guys using to
produce those builds and are they available somewhere (and if not, can they
be made available :-)?



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