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Re: [platform-dev] Github workflow
  • From: Sravan K Lakkimsetti <sravankumarl@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 02:43:27 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
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  • Thread-topic: [EXTERNAL] Re: [platform-dev] Github workflow


I did create this may be this could be a starting point and we can improve this document further with recommended approach


-----Original Message-----
From: platform-dev <platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Andrey Loskutov
Sent: 24 March 2022 03:57
To: Eclipse platform general developers list. <platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [platform-dev] Github workflow

Am 22. März 2022 14:11:21 MEZ schrieb Aleksandar Kurtakov <akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>Please bear with us while we try to improve the contributor workflow 
>with the limited time we have. And keep asking each step and 
>requirement as only that way we will figure what is really needed and 
>brings benefit and what is done just because we are used to it without any real gain.

The discussion here shows that despite the claims that "we are standing on the shoulders of the giants" and "just follow github workflow" we need a dedicated wiki / readme for committers and contributors with the recommendations how to contribute. Mailing list discussion is fine, but that is not a document I can give to someone who wants to contribute. 

With more platform projects moving to github the problem affects more people now.
I would really appreciate of people that know the "right" github workflow would provide such documentation for the platform.
I personally can commit & merge in github but I've learned that *everything* I did in github before in my other (non platform) contributions is *not* the "recommended" way, so I'm really interested to follow some "preferred" guidelines. I also hope to have only one and not different guidelines, even if there could be lot of different ways to commit something to the master.

Below just few items where I see need for clear documentation or process improvements based on my personal experience so far. 

I don't like forks and used to have branches on main repo - not recommended.
I don't like multiple commits in one PR and always use amend/force push - not recommended.
I never use command line git and do everything from Eclipse - but some recommended to use git CLI.
Egit support missing or not - not clear. What exactly is missing, why CLI is needed?
It is unclear / undocumented how to *properly* refer to bugs in commits (full url? repo-name/id? just id?). 
It is unclear if we should now use dedicated github bug trackers *per repository* to report bugs, or will be there some higher level bug tracker for entire platform organization?
Once the PR is created, I see that builds somehow triggered in equinox, but I neither get mails that they are stared nor they are finished.

Kind regards,
Andrey Loskutov
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