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Re: [platform-dev] Github workflow

On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 12:23 PM Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Also, we need to discuss the --force parameter. It will not work well with the Github review system.

What particularly do you think does not work well with it?
I propose to just keep committing on the branch (a bit like Gerrit change sets) and then always(!) Squash and Merge

What's in the branch and how it's organized is the choice of the contributor. They may want to append commits or push --force.
As reviewers, we shouldn't have to care about it; and feel free to use Squash and Merge if it seems better, or even ask contributors to reorganize their commits before merging if it seems necessary. What's important is that what we merge is in good quality of code and also of history, so we keep the history sane. But this is not really a contributor's duty to achieve that, more a reviewer's one.
Of course, we should avoid --force on the "upstream" eclipse repo.

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