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Re: [platform-dev] PGP Signing Question?

On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 2:12 PM Ed Merks <ed.merks@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've opened to track this issue.    Minimally the help for the dialog should describe how to find such external PGP services and in our case specifically how to verify that this is an Eclipse project's key.  We can discuss the details there.  I can try to help iron out the wrinkles...


So, for example, if I have the question "is it guaranteed that two different org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey instances might have the same org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey.getKeyID() values" that should be a p2 Bugzilla?  I wouldn't ask that on platform-dev but I would have thought to ask on p2-dev rather than open a question Bugzilla.  I see no reason to assume that the getKeyID values are unique, though I suppose the chances of collisions are vanishingly small (and downstream utility class seem to assume this).

For question, p2-dev is probably the best place.
For the particular question about keyIDs, they should not really be used in practice (see ), instead, users should look at key fingerprints as what they'd expect as being the id.


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