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Re: [platform-dev] Need some more current pointers for getting started on JDT projects


I'm extremely pleased to be able to report that following your suggestions, I've got a working jdt-master eclipse build!  Mucho grass!!

My next challenge is persuading some veteran jdt committer to serve as a code-buddy as I dive into hacking ejc.  While I'm a noob re: eclipse development, I'm pretty seasoned in most development practices, and a veteran of many system, language, and tool wars over many years.  I can promise I won't be too much of a pest, and if pointed to docs, will do my best to absorb them in detail before asking for help.

What would be fantastic would be links to How Tos covering

  • how to run unit and regression tests on ejc
  • best practices for deploying mods to stock eclipse installs, and rolling them back

Thanks to y'all who've helped get me get up to this ledge on Mt. Eclipse.



On 9/15/2019 10:19 PM, Ed Merks wrote:


It sounds like you selected the SSH URIs for cloning.  I.e., not but rather ssh://${|username} correct?

I assume you have an Eclipse account, but have you uploaded your public key to the server as described in the Gerrit wiki that's referenced by the documentation?  I.e., specifically from this section:

Also, has an entry for "[]:29418 ssh-rsa " been added to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts?

Note that it would be better to use as documented in the wiki as the place to ask questions or to provide suggestions for improvements.  This way the next person who has such an issue will be more likely find the answers.


On 16.09.2019 07:01, Richard Steiger wrote:


After tying-off previous engagements, I'm back trying to setup the SDK. 

The Good News: your doc (below) was extremely helpful, and after following it to a T, I was able made significant progress, launching the provisioning and installation process. 

The Not So Good News: provisioning failed, with the following (partial) trace (after one attempt to restart):

Caused by: org.apache.sshd.common.SshException: No more authentication methods available
  at org.apache.sshd.client.session.ClientUserAuthService.tryNext(
  at org.apache.sshd.client.session.ClientUserAuthService.processUserAuth(
  at org.apache.sshd.client.session.ClientUserAuthService.process(
  at org.apache.sshd.common.session.helpers.AbstractSession.doHandleMessage(
  at org.apache.sshd.common.session.helpers.AbstractSession.handleMessage(
  at org.apache.sshd.common.session.helpers.AbstractSession.decode(
  at org.apache.sshd.common.session.helpers.AbstractSession.messageReceived(
  at org.eclipse.jgit.internal.transport.sshd.JGitClientSession.messageReceived(
  at org.apache.sshd.common.session.helpers.AbstractSessionIoHandler.messageReceived(
  at Method)
  at Source)
  at$ Source)
  at$ Source)
  ... 3 more

Took 1 seconds.
There are failed tasks.
Press Back to choose different settings or Cancel to abort.

This occurred after hitting Back, and having no hint what settings are required, just tried clicking Finish, which failed immediately with the above trace.  Just before the failure, I got a popup stating that, IIRC, SSH needed missing info needed to auth the host, and gave the option to just accept all subsequent creds.

The "No more authentication methods available" error message seems to suggest that I failed to obtain or supply some essential keys, but am hoping that you (or one of y'all) can pinpoint the root cause and advise how to resume the provisioning.



On 8/12/2019 12:58 AM, Ed Merks wrote:

As Paul suggests, if you really want to clone the repos and work with (or see all) the source, better to use the installer.  There is a tutorial describing how the create an installation with the complete platform SDK:

Likely this is overkill for your purpose, but I find this an extremely useful resource to have around.  It can help you find out how other things are already implemented in the platform and provides search capabilities not possible in any other way.  For example, if I see a string some where in some dialog or elsewhere in the UI, I can search all the source to find where that is specified, e.g., often in a properties file.  Then I can figure out the name of that property and can search for all uses of that property name in the *.java file files.  Typically this will be some static final constant, and then I can open a call hierarchy on that constant to find all the places that its used.  The advantage of having all the source is that a constant's value (if it's really a static constant with a constant _expression_), gets inlined by the compiler, so you cannot find uses of the static constants in other .class files.  But with the source available, you can find the uses of constants in other *.java files in the workspace as well.

So probably best not to include all the projects from the tutorial because that takes very long to set up, but following the tutorial you can go back to the previous page of the installer and select the subset of projects likely to be useful, e.g., the JDT projects and the various platform UI projects.

Best of luck with your explorations.


On 12.08.2019 09:38, Paul Pazderski wrote:
You don't need to clone/import Platform projects to work on JDT. If compilation failed you might not have a correct target platform because the target platform is what is used to resolve dependencies.
Also even if most Platform or JDT projects contain pom.xml files you should import them as existing Eclipse projects.

I would recommend you to try Oomph setup (Eclipse Installer).
 * In Eclipse Installer select advanced mode
 * select Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers (Latest)
 * on the next page you can select JDT projects and any other projects you are interested

Notes on some of your other points:
 * If you get a timeout while cloning you can try it again. Those errors are usually temporarily.
 * The URLs on the Git Workflow page look outdated. In general Eclipse git repos are listed at and you can find clone URLs if you select a repo.
 * Regards the using http: as anonymous. You can clone from https: as anonymous. Anonymous only means you do not provide your username. (as required for ssh clone)

Best regards

PS: found a wiki page for Eclipse SDK Oomph setup.
Maybe that helps too.

Am 12.08.2019 um 09:04 schrieb Richard Steiger:
[FYI, despite having reported and done a bit of investigation on, I'm still a total eclipse noob, so please go easy on anything stupid below.]

I have a few JDT experiments ("hacks") I want to try-out, and have been trying to follow the instructions in the various dev resources and guides, such as

  * and numerous others.

The central problem (that's blocking me) is the fact that none of the above appear to be both current and correct, compounded by the fact that none of the docs have overt last-modified dates, nor major release level ranges.  I therefore invested a fair amount of time trying to build a JDT dev project going down multiple routes, only to discover that each was effectively an abandoned gopher-hole.  In more detail:

  * I tried to clone the repos listed in; determined that maven
    can build all modules from the command-line with the
    -Pbuild-individual-bundles profile, but have yet to successfully
    import the modules into eclipse as a set of maven projects, since
    the project can't be compiled without the core eclipse
    infrastructure jars; attempting to extract them from the parent pom
    is a total crap-shoot, given its inherent complexity (else I might
    be on my way to at least prototyping the hacks, but miles from
    creating even a personal release);
  * I also tried cloning the repose listed in (using http:
    as anonymous as instructed); the first 3 clones worked, but the next
    several crapped-out with timeouts, premature EOFs, or other faults;
    url #6
(*ssh://userid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/jdt/eclipse.jdt.core.git*) with
    the magic *29418
    segment alludes to this link being release-specific (viewing History
    doesn't pin-point what release the page presents, but the latest
    entry is back to '16
  * I was initially excited to find
    eclipse.platform.common-I20190808-1800, then tracked it to, only to find
    it's either not indexed there, or might be stale.

Any advice or live/good links to Getting Started docs would be most appreciated.



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